Fellow Movie Buffs

Saturday, July 13, 2024


 2012 * Not Rated * 1h 31m Just a sweet little film that should have received more attention when it came out. It has all the hallmarks of a classic indie flick--good writing, strong story, and above all, fine performances from all the leads. And it's a road trip movie--one of my favorite genres. 

Tom (John Hawkes) is packing his three kids up and they're heading west to their new home in California. Everyone is going except their beloved dog and their mom. It's not clear why she isn't joining them on their road trip, but she's supposed to meet them out west. Thus the adventure begins. 

There's quite a bit of tension within the family on the road. The story is told through eyes of the middle child Greta (Ryan Simpkins), who is constantly butting heads with her father. She's also on the verge of hitting puberty, which adds a bit of drama to the story. Along the way, they meet their share of adventures. And when they finally arrive at their new abode in Arcadia, a suburb of Los Angeles, it all becomes clear. 

This is one of those subtle, slow-paced movies that give you plenty opportunities to learn and appreciate the family dynamics. Each child reveals their unique and special personalities. If you're looking for an action-packed flick, you're in for a disappointment. But if you appreciate a well-crafterd indie film, give it a shot! 

3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Streaming for free on Hoopla (with your library card and Tubi. Also on Plex, Pluto TV, and to rent on Prime Video.

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