Fellow Movie Buffs

Saturday, July 27, 2024


 2023 * Not Rated * 1h 34m I wasn't sure what to expect from this one. It got a pretty high rating but that was from a relatively low number of raters. I'm always suspicious when that occurs. However, this was a pleasant surprise.

It's a very slow movie, or nuanced, as they say in the business. Some might find this boring, but you just have to stick with it. As described, it's about a Japanese gentleman whose wife has recently died. She leaves instructions that she wants her ashes scattered in Lake Windemere, in England. So he travels there with his son and daughter-in-law and his grandchild. Along the way, there's a fair amount of tension, seething under the surface. Slowly, the father and son come to terms with their relationship

I only have one minor complaint about the film. I watched it on Hoopla which listed it as English language. False. It's 99% Japanese with a few times English is spoken. I guess it's more of a beef with Hoopla than the filmmakers.

Overall, it's a beautifully crafted film, fans of indie flicks will surely enjoy. 

Currently streaming for free on Hoopla with your library card. Also to rent on Prime Video and Apple TV.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

"Which Brings Me to You"

 2023 * Not Rated * 1h 38m  This is one of my favorite types of movies. Basically it's the story f two people over roughly a 24-hour period. While attending a friend's wedding in the Hamptons, Jane (Lucy Hale) and Will (Nat Wolff) hook up. They're drained to each other and end up in a coat closet where they passionately rip each other's clothes off, about to do the deed. In a lot of films, this is where a torrid love affair would begin. But not here.

Will abruptly stops their actions before they get out of hand because it just doesn't feel right to him. (Pretty rare for a guy, I must admit). Instead of them getting it on, the couple take turns revealing all the messy affairs they've encountered over the years. At several points while one of them is confessing in great detail, the other appears in the scene, witnessing it first hand. It's a clever little trick that makes the film that much more intriguing. 

Their adventures take them to several locations as they open up to each other. Before you know it, it's dawn. Are they any closer to giving into their passion? You'll just have to watch this lovey indie film and find out for yourself. 

I thought Hale and Wolff had great chemistry. I don't recall seeing either one in anything before, but they're so likable, you can't help but root for them. The film was well written and the cinematography was quite good as well. Just another one of those films that deserve more exposure. 

3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Currently streaming on Kanopy with your library card. Also on Hulu and to rent on Prime Video. 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

"The Winter House"

 2021 * Not Rated * 1h 30m What a pleasant surprise this one turned ut to be When I read the description I thought it could be either really good, or really bad. As luck would have it, it turned out being the former. This is one of those films that basically focuses on two people for 95% of the time. It could very easily be based on a stage play, since it's very dialogue driven. Not only is it well written, the acting takes it to the next level. 

Eileen (Lily Taylor) is grieving over the recent loss of her husband. She's an acclaimed author and just needs to get away from it all, ostensibly to heal. But she just might have some other motives. This takes her to a remote area of New Hampshire, where she rents a house for the winter. One evening there's a knock at the door. She reluctantly lets in a young man Jesse (Francois Arnaud), and after realizing he doesn't pose a threat, lets him spend the night. After seeing as many horror flicks as I have, I sensed there was something a bit suspicious about him, and that the film was going to take a dark turn. (Can you say "slasher flick?")

The film does take a fair share of twists and turns. All of them totally unexpected. What makes this such an engaging movie is the way the two interact As you'd imagine, dealing with grief makes Eileen rather aloof at first. But as each one loosens up, and they learn about each other, the film slowly moves into uncharted territory. You hang on their every word, trying to figure out where their relationship is headed. 

If you enjoy a slow-moving but mesmerizing movie, give this one a shot. I think you'll really enjoy it. 

4 out of 5 stars

Currently streaming for free with your library card on Hoopla.com. And to rent on YouTube and Prime Video.


Saturday, July 13, 2024


 2012 * Not Rated * 1h 31m Just a sweet little film that should have received more attention when it came out. It has all the hallmarks of a classic indie flick--good writing, strong story, and above all, fine performances from all the leads. And it's a road trip movie--one of my favorite genres. 

Tom (John Hawkes) is packing his three kids up and they're heading west to their new home in California. Everyone is going except their beloved dog and their mom. It's not clear why she isn't joining them on their road trip, but she's supposed to meet them out west. Thus the adventure begins. 

There's quite a bit of tension within the family on the road. The story is told through eyes of the middle child Greta (Ryan Simpkins), who is constantly butting heads with her father. She's also on the verge of hitting puberty, which adds a bit of drama to the story. Along the way, they meet their share of adventures. And when they finally arrive at their new abode in Arcadia, a suburb of Los Angeles, it all becomes clear. 

This is one of those subtle, slow-paced movies that give you plenty opportunities to learn and appreciate the family dynamics. Each child reveals their unique and special personalities. If you're looking for an action-packed flick, you're in for a disappointment. But if you appreciate a well-crafterd indie film, give it a shot! 

3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Streaming for free on Hoopla (with your library card and Tubi. Also on Plex, Pluto TV, and to rent on Prime Video.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

"Cas & Dylan"

 2013 * Not Rated * 1h 30m  I'm a sucker for a good road trip movie. Especially when it features great dialogue, unexpected encounters, great scenery, and in this case, amazing acting. Dr. Cas Pepper  (Richard Dreyfus) is a doctor who recently was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. He decides to pack up his things and head west across Canada, to bury his dog, and take his own life.  Before he gets too far, he runs across a spirited 22-year old aspiring writer Dylan (Tatiana Maslany). The two are about as different as they come. But that's what makes for a fun and action-packed adventure. 

I know this has been done before. I've even reviewed movies like this in the past, but I really loved this little film. You really felt what the couple was going through. And although it was a bit predictable, maybe that was its strength. 

If you're looking for a cute film that'll certainly pluck at your heartstrings, give this one a shot. You won't be disappointed. 

3 1/2 out of 5 stars

Currently streaming on Freevee, Tubi, Peacock, Plex, The Roku Channel, YouTube, and Prime Video.