Fellow Movie Buffs

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

"The Land of Steady Habits"

I don't know how the actor Ben Mendelsohn has gone under my radar, but he has. I've seen a couple of his films lately, and have thoroughly enjoyed his performances. In this Netflix original film, he plays a well-to do middle-aged man who is going through a mid-life crisis. He quits his job as a financier and leaves his wife. Then he starts having regrets about his actions, but it's too late to reverse the damage. He befriends a troubled neighbor kid and the two get into mischief together. It's a quirky little, slice-of-life movie that I thought was great. There isn't a lot of action, and the plot is pretty subtle, but overall, it was a lot of fun. One question I have is, how do Aussies manage to totally lose their accents when they play American characters?
4 out of 5 stars


  1. The Aussie accent is closer to an American accent than a British accent is. I think it's mostly a matter of simplifying the vowels-- Aussies tend to lengthen them out, so a long-A becomes a long-I-- mate becomes mite.

  2. That's true. Maybe that's why it's easier for Americans to do an Aussie accent than a British one. Not that any American actors have played Aussies that I can recall.

  3. The Aussie accent is closer to an American accent than a British accent is. I think it's mostly a matter of simplifying the vowels-- Aussies tend to lengthen them out, so a long-A becomes a long-I-- mate becomes mite.
    land of steady habits
