Fellow Movie Buffs

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

"It's Kind of a Funny Story"

 2010 * PG-13 * 1h 41m  When I saw Jim Gaffigan and Zach Galifianakis were in this movie, I just assumed it was a comedy. Boy was I wrong, Sure, there were some amusing moments and situations in it. But it wasn't really a comedy at all. It's a story revolving around teen suicide and takes place mostly in a mental hospital. So much for the laughs, eh?

A teenager Craig (Keir Gilchrist) is a typical kid, suffering from the usual angst like a lot of young people. Only he suffers from severe depression and has taken himself off his meds. One evening he seriously considers committing suicide and checks himself into a hospital. There he's assigned a room and is told he'll be kept for observations for the better part of a week. Even when he tells his doctor (Viola Davis) he feels better, he's told it's for his own good to remain under their care. 

While he's in the hospital, he meets quite a few unusual characters. They include fellow patient Bobby (Galifianakis), his roommate Muqtada (Bernard White) who never leaves his bed, and Noelle (Emma Roberts), a troubled young girl who he picks up a relationship with. It's a very touching, well-written and acted movie I'd never heard of. If you're looking for a heartfelt teen drama that never really gets sappy, (al right, it gets a little mushy at the end), give this one a shot. You won't be disappointed. 

4 out of 5 stars

Currently streaming on Netflix and available to rent on Prime Video. 

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