Fellow Movie Buffs

Sunday, May 2, 2021

"The Zookeeper's Wife"

2017  2h 7min

This remarkable true story takes place in Warsaw during WWII. After the Germans invade Poland, a zookeeper, Antonina (Jessica Chastain) and Jan (Johan Heldenbergh) scramble to figure out a way for the zoo to stay operational. They’re approached by the head of the Berlin Zoo, who cuts a deal with them. Most of the animals will be taken to Berlin for safekeeping and their zoo will raise pigs to help feed the occupying army Daniel Bruh plays the evil Nazi perfectly and we can sympathize with Antonina for putting up with his amorous advances. 


While all this is going on, the zookeepers harbor a large number of Jews, right under the Nazi’s noses. As you’d expect, there are numerous times where their dealings are almost discovered, which makes for some tense viewing. Jessica Chastain gives her usual remarkable performance and I thought her Polish accent was impeccable. 

This blockbuster of a movie is a tale of courage, perseverance, and smarts. There’s a soft spot in my heart for true tales of WWII, whether it’s a book or movie. I never seem to tire of witnessing the immense power of the human spirit. 

4 ½ out of 5 stars  

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