Fellow Movie Buffs

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

"The Interview"

Stupid. Offensive. Vulgar. Sexist. Outrageous. I.E., Just about what you'd expect from a Seth Rogan movie. It definitely appealed to the inner 14-year old high schooler in me! I  laughed out loud several times, which I really do watching a movie. It stars Mr. Rogan and James Franco and about a popular interview show that Kim Jong Un is a huge fan of. He invites the team to North Korea for an interview. When the CIA gets wind of it, they plot to have them assassinate the feared leader. It's fairly predictable, but I thought the writing was top notch. One of the funnier movies I've seen in a long time. In these troubling times, it's a great hour and a half diversion.
4 out of 5 stars

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